Mariia Ingersoll Picture

Hello, I am

Mariia Ingersoll

Full-Stack Developer

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About Me

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Flatiron School
Software Engineering

My skills include:

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Python | Flask | Redux

I'm Mariia, a Software Engineer, skilled in React, JavaScript, Python and Flask. For me, each line of code is an opportunity to create something extraordinary and make a positive impact. I am thrilled to be a part of this dynamic and ever-evolving field!!! During my previous role as a Merchandise Coordinator, I honed valuable skills that seamlessly transitioned into the world of software engineering. These skills encompass problem-solving, critical thinking, and attention to detail, which I now apply to coding and developing efficient solutions.

If I am not coding, then you can catch me hitting the gym to stay active or exploring nature's beauty through hiking and walks on the beach! And, of course, the comforting presence of my lovely cat brings moments of calm and joy, as we both take a well-deserved nap together.

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EcoConsumer is your gateway to a sustainable lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned eco-conscious individual or just starting your journey towards sustainable living, EcoConsumer provides curated content to make eco-friendly choices accessible and enjoyable.

Tecnnologies used:

  • React front-end
  • Python backend with Flask API
  • Bcrypt for user authentication and authorization
  • Redux for global state handling

  • GitHub Repository:
    EcoConsumer on GitHub

    Wordly-Chronicles is an application that allows users to create, browse, update, and delete travel posts, filter posts by location, and perform user authentication.

    Tecnnologies used:

  • React front-end
  • Python backend with Flask API
  • Bcrypt for user authentication and authorization

  • GitHub Repository:
    Wordly-Chronicles on GitHub

    The Muscle Factory Gym is a command-line application designed to manage various operations related to a gym, including exercise browsing, trainer information, membership sign-up, editing member information, and membership cancellation.

    Tecnnologies used:

  • Python backend with SQLAlchemy database

  • GitHub Repository:
    The Muscle Factory on GitHub

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